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connectFirst shines a light on Alberta with new commercials.

When we launched as connectFirst Credit Union, we had the privilege of creating some new commercials - but we figured the last thing the world needed was another banky ad. So, we worked alongside Crowsnest Films to evoke a sense of connectivity, deepening relationships, and honest moments — the feeling of freedom you got from riding your bike with friends, moments with family, and the shared experience of hazing at the same starry sky.

But our favourite part is that these commercials are 100% Alberta made. We filmed all three commercials in the beautiful city of Medicine Hat, where they welcomed us with open arms (socially distanced, of course).

What was it like creating commercials during a global pandemic you ask? We’ll take you behind the scenes and share our experiences while filming these three commercials. but before we share, here's a few fun stats. 

Standout stats:

  • $75,000 invested back
    into the local community
  • 3 commercials
  • 19 cast members & 36 crew
  • 170 hotel room nights
  • 29 sets
  • 15 locations
  • 65 COVID tests

Watch the commercials:


We are one.


Monday | May 31, 08:39 AM
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