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Thank you for being a member of connectFirst Credit Union. Sincerely.

As a member, the business you do with us enables us to do good for more Albertans across the province and the communities we live in. Looking ahead, we intend to do a whole lot more of that good to help more Albertans get back on their feet and help them achieve their goals. We are also stepping up to support those that are going to grow our economy in the future – Alberta businesses from start-ups to large companies, not to mention the farmers and ranchers who are finding a way forward despite the economic challenges we have been facing.

So this is where this newsletter comes in. What is spotlLightAB?

As a member, you get to know what is going on with your credit union and this is just one way we'll touch base with you, just once a month. It’s just for members, and 100% full of conversations with your neighbours, shining a light on the real folks making our province better. All our members are automatically subscribed to receive spotLightAB each month, but if you decide that you'd rather not receive these types of emails from us, you can just let us know! Likewise, if you think you should be receiving spotLightAB and you haven't seen one in your inbox yet, let us know so we can look into it!

Our commitment is to be here for you, our members and every single employee of our credit union has taken a Pledge to do so and create a remarkable member experience for you. We're creating a banking experience where you feel like you belong. We're literally building a credit union for the 2020s and we hope you are going to like what you see.

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