Community Report.
The Core of Credit Unions.
2023 was a year full of vibrant community collaborations as we all came together to build a brighter future for all. connectFirst Credit Union firmly believes that being actively involved in the communities we serve is key to our cooperative values and crucial for our success as an organization.
Take a look at our latest report below to celebrate our work in 2023 and learn how we plan to strengthen our ties to community.
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What role should credit unions play according to the expectations of community, employees, and members of connectFirst?
- To meaningfully engage and be invited into high-impact work rather than impose or assume what community needs are.
- To co-create exceptional value with community and show up as an authentic partner and funder.
- To deepen the influence of our community investments work, recognizing that as a co-operative, our roots are in community.
A Celebration of 2023
Get a better look at our impact with the following highlights:
Community Grants
A total of $130,400 was granted to 246 organizations.
Community Involvement
A total of 3900 volunteer hours were mobilized in 2023.
Community Investment
A total of $31,580 was invested in community initiatives through donations.
Community Partnerships
A total of $283,600 was contributed to a diverse network of community partners.
Research Report
Learn more about our 2023 Community Engagements in the full report.
*Best viewed on desktop device
Community Research Project
Here's who we talked to:
31 Research Interviews
with Community Organizations, Members and Employees (45 min - 1 hour)
596 Survey Responses
from Community Organizations, Members and Employees
1 Focus Group Session
with Members (1 hour)
Ensuring a diversity of voices and perspectives are represented.
We collected data from a range of ages, geographic location, and gathered a variety of knowledge and expertise.

We talked to a variety of community organizations (social enterprises, grassroots groups, societies, co-operatives, academia, networks, larger non-profits, and charities) and they expect that credit unions maintain strong connections with their local communities, serving all members inclusively, particularly those underserved, contrasting with exclusionary practices of banks.

Members expect their credit union to get involved in community beyond monetary support and to create an avenue for them to get engaged. There needs to be a confidence that members are represented within connectFirst’s community partnerships and that their voices and values are integrated because it shapes the way they feel connected to their financial institution. 96% of our members believed that our community engagements are effective in improving local communities.

Employees proved to be passionate about credit union values and expect us to stay committed to the community because it's part of who we are as cooperatives. It's a guiding principle that lets employees give back through sharing skills and volunteering, which helps members and communities thrive.
Our Path Forward
Our strategic pillars will guide our community engagements.
These pillars were informed by our communities, members and employees. It demonstrates how we will be approaching our community involvement as well as highlighting our values surrounding community. We’ll remain flexible and responsive to local community needs while deepening our work in high-impact areas.
We are visionary change-makers that invest in innovation and the sustainability of our shared community futures.
We believe in an inclusive economy for all and support wealth-building at the individual and community level so that we can have a more prosperous Alberta.
We are advocates of education that fosters life-long skills and can empower individuals and communities to endure challenges.
Learn more about our Strategic Pillars in our full report*
Our Pledge
- Interviewee