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Banks see numbers we see Albertans.

We see our members and their unique financial goals.

We are your friends and neighbours, serving our communities with expertise, know-how and passion. Become a member, and come bank with us.

Sign up online now ➜

Or book an appointment

At connectFirst, our promise to every Albertan is a conversation. We’ll take the time to learn your story, not just your numbers.

Whether it's over the phone, on a video call, or in person, at one of our 42 branches across Southern Alberta, we want to do more than meet, we want to connect.

Sign up is easy and will take less than 10 minutes, but before you get started, make sure you:

  • Are 18 years of age or older
  • Are a resident of Alberta
  • Have valid government-issued photo ID
  • Are using this account for personal use, and not a third party*
Sign Up Online ➜
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Want to share your account with someone else who is new to connectFirst?
You will need to have the following details about the person handy during your application if you choose to do this:
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Date of birth
  • Email address
  • Mobile phone number

It pays to be a member.

We share our profits with our members. Banks don't. When you become a member, $1 will be set aside from your initial deposit as a common share but you will have the option to invest up to $200,000 into your common share account at anytime so that you can earn more. This is just one of the many perks of membership at connectFirst.

Find an account that’s right for you

We’ve got something for everyone.

Low cost.


$1 .99 /month

$1/transaction after those included.

A feature rich account for the low cost of a toonie.​

  • 10 free debit transactions per month.
  • 2 free Interac e-Transfers.
Learn more

Unlimited transactions.

Bank your way.


$13 .99 /month

FREE for members 60 and over.

All the banking you want to do, any way you like it!

  • Unlimited transactions.
  • Unlimited Interac e-Transfers.
  • Unlimited in-branch transactions.
Learn more

Over $400 in annual savings.

Premium benefits.


$19 .99 /month

FREE with a balance of $7,000+.

Unlimited banking with platinum-level benefits.

  • Unlimited banking.
  • Free safe deposit box and overdraft protection.
  • 5 free international ATM withdrawals.
Learn more

Let's have a conversation. 
Book an appointment

To protect your privacy, we recommend using a private device and IP Address to complete your account application. If you need to use a public or shared device please remember to completely log out of your application account if you need to step away. You can log back in at any time and resume your application where you left off.

*A third party is an individual or business who provides instructions on the activity or financial transactions related to that account. A joint account with your spouse or children would not be considered a third party. To open an account for a third party, please book an appointment.
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